Tending the Fire Within


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What is your top priority of the day?

How easily I can fool myself at dawn. When the sun is creeping in my window and my bed is soft and warm, it is easy to imagine I’ll have time later.
If I just roll over and close my eyes again, I’ll be better able to deal with what comes today. And somewhere in the mix of that day, I’ll find the time to stretch and move and breathe deeply and sit quietly.
But it’s mostly a fantasy if I don’t get up before everyone else. It turns into a struggle to hide in a room somewhere, turning off computers and phones and ignoring doorbells and people who just walk in and say, “Helllloooo?” I love those people who just walk in and say “Hello.” I could spend a lot of time with them.
If I am to write, to move, to sit still, dawn is the moment. So much easier to do it first: to greet the sun and do the work that I love, that I crave, that my body and my mind want. Good morning, new day. And now what?


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Anne O'Connor    Tending the Fire Within    415 E. South Street, Viroqua, WI 54665
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