Pursuing our passions: big ideas and practical details
I decided the other day
that I would write four books in the next five years. Two of these books I’ve
already researched well, one is a fun, easy book to put together, and one is a
start-from-scratch idea.
Yes, I just started a new
job, just agreed to be on another board, and I’m growing my Tending the Fire
Within business. Oh, and I’m a single mom with three kids still at home and one
out in the world.
But it’s been nine years
since my first book came out. I’ve got some things that need to be written. So,
here goes. I will keep this blog going as well, albeit with less frequency.
I am excited about all
these opportunities, because for me, they all work together and fit so soundly
into my life’s work: I connect people. To themselves, one another, and to
ideas. That’s why I’m here.
I might be a little
terrified of being overwhelmed, too. It’s happened before. But I need to stop
just talking about these books and start writing them. I have the support. (Feel
free to ask me how the writing is going.) I have the skill. And more to the
point, I’m not attached. I’m making plans. Ambitious plans? Sure. I don’t know
any other kind.
But these aren’t too
ambitious. There are all kinds of people who have written (some famous) books
in days or weeks. Five years is a long time. When we want to do something,
sometimes the hardest part is getting past all the reasons why we can’t
possibly make it happen.
A friend of mine has an
effective reminder to herself that she’s using a lot these days. Whenever she
starts imagining how challenging something might be to accomplish, she stops
herself and says, “No barriers. Drop the barriers.”
This is a woman who has
accomplished so much, and is brilliant in her field. Yet she, like most of us,
has to resist the thousands of ways that we can sidetrack ourselves from doing
what we really want to be doing. From being the person we know we are.
Conventional wisdom says
that we have to know our life’s purpose to be happy. That we need to be clear
about what we’re here to do. Figure out our passion and life gets a whole lot
better, right?
Okay, so far, so good. It
is excellent to get clear about what
is going to help us feel alive, connected to our best selves and our loved
ones, contributing our unique gifts to the world.
But that doesn’t fully
cover this driving need that comes from the human heart. Because it’s in the doing where things get really
fulfilling. It may seem obvious, but it’s not enough to know what we ought to
be doing. For life to flow with ease and joy, we’ve actually got to figure out
how to do the very thing that makes us tick.
I’ll admit to a bias
towards doing. I like getting things done. So I will add the caveat here that
we all have to figure out how to simply “be” as well. If you’re all jazzed up
about the doing and you are puzzled by what “being” is…you may want to consider
taking up a meditation practice. I’m convinced that there is nothing that
meditating regularly doesn’t help. Meditating makes everything else work
better. If we can be easy and loving with ourselves, it is so much easier to be
that way with the rest of the world.
Then imagine what we can
get done! Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not talking about being a CEO, or
making tons of money, or winning an important prize. If fame and power and
fortune happen along the way, then they do.
What I’m talking about is
fulfilling the thing that calls from the depths of your heart, your soul, your
very being. This is the reward that most of us are yearning for. What I’ve seen
is that the people who can accomplish so much and stay healthy and kind are the
people who have mastered the essential balance between internal and external
The internal work is
knowing ourselves, taking a continuous survey of our internal landscapes, creating
space and time for our hearts to sing, understanding that we are creatures of
connection and passion that need ongoing nourishment in these realms.
And the external work is
creating the practical, real steps to support the very thing that makes our
hearts sing. It’s setting up support and practices that keep us on the right
Knowing what we’re here
to do, we can line up the rest of our lives to support that one thing. Even
doing the laundry and mowing the lawn become service to the thing that we must
do and accomplish and contribute.
Not in a frantic,
obsessive sort of way. But in a practical way. In a flowing way. In a committed
way. In a way that trusts that there is enough time. There is enough energy.
There is enough. If we’re tending to the balance of internal and external
factors, there is enough.
For me? I’ll make
breakfast for my kids, and keep seeing who they are, and love them up. I’ll
work hard in my business ventures, giving my best strategic thinking and
powerful work to the causes that I’m passionate about. I’ll meditate and do
yoga and sleep and eat well. I will delight in my family and friends.
And I’ll write at least a
thousand words each day. It’s a practical, real number. It is a manageable
number, a realistic expectation. It
might be a pain some days. I may write a thousand words of pure drivel. But something
good will emerge. I’ll keep on along this road. I like where it’s going.